Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Bead Kit
Pickup available at Golden Thread
Usually ready in 2-4 days
Fall is one of my favorite times of year -- the leaves are changing, the weather cools off and all the fun festivities that Halloween brings! I just love any excuse to celebrate! Why not use this as an opportunity to tie in themes of the season with deeply meaningful, Gospel-Reminders as well?
This year, we've created this PUMPKIN Jack-O-Lantern BEAD KIT, with your little one in mind! Filled to the brim with fall-themed goodies! (even glow-in-the dark beads -- perfect for Halloween night!) Let your little fashionista make whatever she desires -- bracelets, necklaces, anklets and so on! Our orange cord allows for jewelry to be made and remade, so the fun continues for a long time to come! Enjoy this craft together and let her creativity take flight! All set inside our darling pumpkin-themed container!
Select the dropdown menu to receive a GT watercolor calligraphy PUMPKIN GOSPEL card! It’s an amazing visual-tool to talk to your kiddos about sin, our hearts, grace, the great hope of the Gospel AND being a light in this world!! All while incorporating the spirit of the “fall/Halloween” season!
[All you need is a pumpkin, carving tools and some sort of light — a small candle or LED light]
It’s a JOY to share and recommend to you our fall-family tradition! Carving pumpkins and using this fun (and incredibly visual) activity to talk to your kiddos about sin, our hearts, grace, the great hope of the Gospel AND being a light in this world!! All while incorporating the festive-spirit of the “fall/Halloween” season!
GOD CHOSE YOU! Start by saying that the pumpkin represents your kiddo! I.E. - “Noah, this is you!
You are a great looking pumpkin! Brightly colored, full of life, just perfect for a pumpkin patch! Did you know that you’ve been chosen — chosen by God! God “picks” you from the field and brings you in to the patch to be with Him! (John 15:16 and Ephesians 1:4) And you sure look great on the outside!”
[Next, begin to cut into/carve out the top of the pumpkin so you can see inside!]
WE HAVE A HEART PROBLEM! Ask your kids before lifting the lid to see what’s inside: Do you think this pumpkin is as pretty on the inside as it is the outside? [Then lift up the top of pumpkin to show them what’s inside] Your kids will be like ewwww gross, as they glance inside! Yep, its full of gunk and slime and seeds! Not cute!! It’s icky and we have a problem!
WE NEED HELP! Make the connection that the inside of this pumpkin is like sin in our hearts! Our outsides looks great, but our hearts are the issue. What’s inside of us. We all have sin in there. (Discuss what sin is!! Sin can be lies, anger, disobedience, bad thoughts, etc) We have a heart condition! Each of us! (Ephesians 2:1, Romans 3:23)
[Begin to scoop out the gross, slimy seed stuff inside the pumpkin as you start to talk about #4. This is a visual of what Jesus does for each of us!]
THE GOOD NEWS! Well, the good news is that Jesus didn’t come to make us look good on the outside! He came for our hearts — for our “insides”. To heal us. To make us whole. To cleanse us of our sins. And to give us new life along with access to Heaven through His death on the cross and His resurrection!! (Psalm 103:12, 2 Corinthians 5:17) JESUS FORGIVES US and TRANSFORMS US!
[Finish cleaning out the inside of the pumpkin and say: Tadaa! We are forgiven — sins washed away!!!! Clean inside! (John 1:29, Isaiah 1:18)….BUT, He doesn’t just leave us pretty on the inside (heart) and the outside (exterior)! (Matthew 23:26)…]
JESUS PUTS HIS LIGHT INSIDE OF US! He doesn’t leave us cleaned out and empty! NO! He then puts His light inside each of us (when we accept Him into our hearts) and fills our lives with this overflowing light (joy, grace, love, compassion) that beams out of us into the lives of those around us! ️ (Matthew 5:14-16)
[Our kids love to then set it out on our front porch so “everyone” can see our light shining bright for Him!]
Praying this activity blesses you and your family as much as it does ours!