Family Legacy

Family Legacy's mission is to connect American families with the orphaned and vulnerable children of Zambia to proclaim the gospel, transform lives, and rescue orphans. They accomplish their mission through three main ministries: Camp Life, Legacy Academies, and Tree of Life. 20% of the proceeds from this piece will go directly to helping complete The Tree of Life Children’s Village, a 130-acre community of homes for orphaned children designed to be a haven of hope and light, private Christian education, to rescue orphans from abuse and poverty and bring holistic change to a nation in great need located just outside the capital city of Lusaka. It's the largest children's village in all of Africa! The children at the Tree of Life come from the most severe backgrounds of poverty, abuse and neglect. Some are HIV positive, while others come from child-headed households. All are in great need of healing, comfort and a fresh-start!

Join us as we help support the orphans of Zambia through the sales of this piece!

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a TREE OF LIFE." Proverbs 13:12


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