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May Have Mercy!

May Have Mercy!

I’m feeling a tad helpless, frenzied and busy beyond words today. Does anyone else feel like they’re having a hard time keeping their head above water this month? I don’t know what the deal is with the month of May, but it always, always, always catches me off guard. Every year. I mean we anticipate the craziness of December! But May sneaks up on us like a hungry lion! It's here before you know it, you’re in it’s jaws and the chaotic, hectic month is in full swing before you even realize you’re already behind. I thought I had the time management skill nailed down (thanks to my ICU nurse background), but I’m being proved wrong by May. I’m overscheduled, overbooked and so, so tired. My list is endless, tasks eternal, jobs ceaseless, kids activities never-ending. I need a nap. And a drink. And also a good laugh (or cry). Is that too much to ask for?! 

While I write all of this, I have to reiterate: I’m thankful, but sinking. I have to make light of it before my head explodes. But spring at the Welker house has looked like running chaos: Noah and Graham’s birthdays and parties, school field days, sports, end of year parties, field trips, thank you notes, recitals, teacher gifts, practices, a trip to the ER, TODAY Show feature, Mother’s Day, bible studies, and an RN license renewals (just to name a few). I’m tired just thinking about it all, and I’m generally pretty high-energy! It’s been 31 days of complete disarray! May, have mercy!


Don’t get me started with laundry, grocery shopping and cooking dinner. Who even has time for that? Between carpool, play dates, practices, appointments/check ups, and work meetings, it’s by the grace of God that anything gets done. My weeks as mom are filled to the brim, and there’s no exception to it at the office either. Our weeks look like scheduling sales and emails, and meetings with editors, producers and buyers. I love being a working mom and wife—I wouldn’t have it any other way, except for however it is in May. Let’s get real with ourselves and call it May Madness instead of March Madness!


I honestly have to ask: how did people survive without iPhones? Praise hands up to the good Lord above for technology. Without it, I can’t even. I’m quite literally a mobile office—stirring the pot on the stove and answering emails or scheduling appointments and bathing the kids. I need a break, who’s with me?

You could call me a passionate person—I put my whole heart into things, so when I feel like I’m doing less than that, it’s discouraging. Divided attention, spread too thin, feeling like I’m doing a poor job—get behind me Satan. Lord, I need thee every hour. I need all the grace in these busy seasons. My closest girlfriends have assured me I am not alone in this deep-end, so be encouraged—we’re all in the trenches together. 

Here are my life hacks—without them I would be S.O.L:

  • Dry Shampoo
  • Amazon Prime
  • Workout clothes
  • Chocolate covered espresso beans
  • ‘New Morning Mercies’ by Paul David Tripp (I will recommend this daily devotional until I’m blue in the face—this was one of the books that truly changed my life. Click here to check it out!)
  • Worship music – my personal favorite right now is the Shane & Shane Psalms album. I put it on repeat throughout the day to set the tone for my heart and mind. (Click here to check it out!)
  • Scripture – I have these verses hanging next to my desk for good reason. In the midst of chaos and the hustle at GT, they provide peaceful, truth-filled reminders to me and my team.
    • “The Lord your God wins victory after victory and is always with you. He celebrates and sings because of you, and he will refresh your life with His love.” Zephaniah 3:17
    • Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3
    • “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7
    • “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

If you need one more example of how this month has gone for me, I’m writing this from the lobby of my daughter’s ‘closed curtain’ ballet class. We all deserve a medal for warring through May. Can I get an amen for June and sleeping in and staying in our PJ’s, and having nowhere to be? I haven’t signed the kids up for anything over the summer yet, but I love the thought of being at home with one another without an agenda.

Hold your head up high, speak words of life and encourage one another, start your days off with prayer and scripture, give grace to yourself, and let’s finish this month with a bang! We. Can. Do this! (Sorry to get all enthusiastic on you—the former cheerleader in me defaults to encouragement. Sorry not sorry. Ha!)

Let’s give thanks because these truly are the days!


1 comment on May Have Mercy!
  • Christie Waterman
    Christie Waterman

    You speak truth Jen! I feel EXACTLY the same way…and Shane and Shane is my musical therapy and encouragement too! Good for you for saying NO to the busy and schedules for the summer. Saying yes to rest and being intentional about guarding unstructured time for you and your family is a HUGE challenge in our modern times. We lead by example and it is important our children see us make those choices. Love your honesty in this post…makes me realize I’m not alone in the crazy;) Wishing you and the Welker fam a restful summer!

    May 30, 2017
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